Friday 12 December 2008

Cigarette and Coffee: A Perfect Match

Coffee and a cigarette before noon, in the early afternoon, or after dinner (when a stronger spirit just isn’t possible when you need to drive home) can be delightful.
And the flavors in a good cup of coffee are highly complementary to cigarette. Vanilla, mocha, chocolate, and roasted notes, as well as nuttiness and earth, can all be found in both cigarettes and coffee. In fact, tasting wheels used for coffee tasting would help any cigarette smoker identify flavors in his tasty tobacco treat.

It’s of real beauty morning that begins with warm sun of sun and smell of favorite coffee. These are basic ingredients of a productive day.This pleasurable picture can be more sublime if coffee taste will be accompanied by preferred cigarette.Interesting fact relate a study that was done by medical researchers. Main objective of this study was to discover favorite fags. It seems to be very attention-grabbing investigation.There were interviewed around 5124 smokers who separated tobacco smoking into two types: “first cigarette of the morning” and “after-dinner cigarette”.
As results showed, first type of smoking was preferred by largest number of fag users. They are waking up, make a little walk through out the house, light up a cigarette and in such a way day begins.Second group chose an “after-dinner cigarette” style. After good dinner it is regulation to smoke a cigarette. Else it wouldn’t be a complete supper without lighting up of preferred tobacco.
Researchers concluded that at smokers from first category were registered high level of nicotine dependence.More positive results showed cig users that prefer “after-dinner cigarette” that act in more “tranquilly” way about lightening of any tobacco.Speaking in general every smoking of cigarette is a bona fide delight. It can settle down, calm and relax, either it it’s smoked on morning or after dinner.
This gratification very often comes together with a hot cup of coffee. There are no other things that can warn in cold winter as hot coffee and favorite cigarette.This combination becomes an inspiration for many people. Today with this name can be met different appearances. For example in Greenland California there are nice caf? called “Coffee & Cigarette”.
Whatever machine you use, try coffee that you grind yourself at the supermarket or local coffee store, as opposed to pre-ground canned coffee. And buy it in small amounts so that it isn’t sitting around getting stale, which can massively change the flavor. (I bought my grinder after noting how much more I enjoyed coffee right after I bought it compared to after it sat around in my kitchen cabinet for a week.)
Finally, try different types of coffee from various countries and companies. Not surprisingly, Cuban coffee pairs excellently with cigars, but so can a good cafe au lait, latte, or espresso with cigarettes.

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